Libroj legindaj
Initially legendaj.htm came to mind as the name for this
page, but legindaj.htm was my eventual choice. I was thinking
in terms of must-read books... But there was the problem
of leg/end/a vs. legend/a (note: -end- is
a relatively new affix, officially accepted in 1953, so Zamenhof isn't to blame for this one)... And, as
noted by Montagu Butler in § 1184 of Step by Step in
Esperanto, Ne ĉio lernenda estas lerninda, and I
suppose that the same goes for legado... And I guess that the
Esperanto -ind- better reflects the English must-read
that I had in mind anyway. Books worth reading...
- A Glimpse of Nothingness - Janwillem van de Wetering [Amazon]
- Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (La Aventuroj de Alicio en Mirlando) - Lewis Carroll [Amazon]
- La Aventuroj de Alicio en Mirlando (Alice's Adventures in Wonderland) - Lewis Carroll [Amazon] [Barnes & Noble] [Everson] [Broadribb] [EUSA] [PDF versions of La Aventuroj de Alico sub la Tero, La Aventuroj de Alico en Mirlando, and Trans la Spegulo: kaj kion Alico trovis tie [EUSA] can be found at eLibrejo] [E. L. Kearney translation at Project Gutenberg]
- Book of Haikus - Jack Kerouac
- Catapult - Vladimír Páral - When catapulted, you've nothing left to do but fly. [Amazon]
- Cold Dog Soup - Stephen Dobyns [Amazon]
- Coming Up For Air - George Orwell [Amazon] The idea really came to me the day I got my new false teeth.
- Deerlover - E.H. Creeth [Amazon] Caveat Venator
- Der Wolf (The Wolf) - Hermann Hesse [local]
- Desert Solitaire - Edward Abbey [Amazon] There are the inevitable pious Midwesterners who climb a mile and a half under the desert sun to view Delicate Arch and find only God.
- The Design of Everyday Things - Donald A. Norman [Amazon]
- Desolation Angels - Jack Kerouac - Dont laugh - a mouse has a little beating heart, that little mouse I let live behind the cupboard was really "humanly" scared, it was being stalked by a big beast with a stick and it didnt know why it was chosen to die...
- The Dharma Bums - Jack Kerouac - What do you do in those woods? - Oh I just go in there to study. - Ain't you kinda old to be a college student? - Well I just go in there sometimes and just sleep.
- Down and Out in Paris and London - George Orwell [Amazon]
- Esperanto - John Cresswell and John Hartley [Amazon]
- Fahrenheit 451 - Ray Bradbury
- Fundamenta Krestomatio - L. Zamenhof [Gutenberg] [EUSA]
- Goddess Unmasked: The Rise of Neopagan Feminist Spirituality - Philip G. Davis [Amazon]
- The Gospel According to Zen - Edited by Robert Sohl and Audrey Carr
- A Hand-book of Volapük - Andrew Drummond [Amazon] A slightly supernatural story of IAL conflict, a good read and you'll learn a bit of Volapük along the way!
- The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy - Douglas Adams
- The Hobbit, or there and back again (La hobito, aŭ tien kaj reen) - J.R.R. Tolkien
- La hobito, aŭ tien kaj reen (The Hobbit, or there and back again) - J.R.R. Tolkien [EUSA]
- The Hound of the Baskervilles - Arthur Conan Doyle
- The Inspector - Nikolai Gogol
- Instructions to the Cook - Bernard Glassman & Rick Fields [Amazon] - It was the Zen cook's duty, Dogen wrote, to make the best and most sumptuous meal possible out of whatever ingredients were available— even if he had only rice and water. The Zen cook used what he had rather than complaining or making excuses about what he didn't have.
- La Instruoj de Budho - [EUSA] - Budhisma Misia Fonduso
- The Introvert Advantage: How to Thrive in an Extrovert World - [Amazon] [Barnes & Noble] [Borders] - A few excerpts: The strongest distinguishing characteristic of introverts is their energy source: Introverts draw energy from their internal world of ideas, emotions, and impressions. They are energy conservers. They can be easily overstimulated by the external world, experiencing the uneasy feeling of "too much". This can feel like antsyness or torpor... Counter to our stereotypes of introverts, they are not necessarily quiet or withdrawn, but their focus is inside their heads. They need a quiet, reflective place where they can think things through and recharge themselves... The second difference between the introvert and the extrovert is how they experience external stimulation. Extroverts like to experience a lot, and introverts like to know a lot about what they experience... Just being around people can be overstimulating to introverts. Their energy is drained in crowds, classes, or any noisy and invasive environment. They may like people very much, but after talking to anyone, they usually begin to feel the need to move away, take a break, and get some air... The third way extroverts and introverts are different involves the concept of breadth and depth. By and large, extroverts like breadth— lots of friends and experiences, knowing a little bit about everything, being a generalist. What they take in from the outside environment does not generally expand internally as they process the experience... For extroverts, life is about collecting experiences... Introverts like depth and will limit their experiences but feel each of them deeply. Often, they have fewer friends but more intimacy. They like to delve deeply into topics and look for "richness" more than "muchness"... Their mind absorbs information from the outside environment and then reflects on it and expands it. And long after they have taken in the information, they are still munching it and crunching it... It takes energy for them to be around people even if they are not interacting with them. This is very hard for extroverts to grasp since space is not an issue for them... Because of our physiology, introverts may eat slower, think slower, work slower, and walk and talk slower than more extroverted people... Many people won't understand our need for personal time and space... Personal Comment: This book even uses the phrase alone time, which some of my lovers have used in a demeaning way. (The women I speak of had plenty of time alone and, whether they wanted it or not, they had something that I wanted and needed but did not have— yet they resented my desire for time alone, and made me feel so guilty about the need that I often was unable to use it when I did get it!) (The unanswered, perhaps unanswerable question is, did they need time alone too? Because they had plenty of it, they never felt the lack.)
- Island - Aldous Huxley [Amazon]
- The Jade Mountain - Translated by Witter Bynner from the texts of Kiang Kang-Hu - A Chinese Anthology, being Three Hundred Poems of the Tang Dynasty 618-906
- Jim Jarmusch : interviews - Edited by Ludvig Hertzberg [Amazon] - I would like to see those pieces that they left out of the movie, more than those they put in. I'm more interested in the moments in between, people waiting for a cab rather than people in a cab. I'm always more interested in the small, ordinary things, and that's why I guess I have a tendency to write the kind of scenes which would be left out in a more conventional or commercial or transparent style.
- The Journey to the East (Morgenlandfahrt) - Hermann Hesse
- Keep the Aspidistra Flying - George Orwell
- La Libro de Teo - Okakura Kakuzo
- Life Story Briefly Told - Hermann Hesse - They laughed in their usual way, for they considered me mentally unbalanced. Then I made myself small and stepped into my picture, got aboard the little train, and rode in the little train into the little black tunnel.
- Lonesome Traveler - Jack Kerouac - What is the meaning of the void? The answer was perfect silence, so I knew.
- The Loom of Language - Frederick Bodmer [Amazon]
- La maŝino kiu kriis [EUSA] Rakontoj pri strangaj fenomenoj
- The Monkey Wrench Gang - Edward Abbey [Amazon]
- La monto - István Nemere [EUSA]
- Morgenlandfahrt (The Journey to the East) - Hermann Hesse
- Mr. Britling Sees It Through - H.G. Wells [auxlangs] [Gutenberg] [Amazon]
- The Myth of Male Power - Warren Farrell [Amazon]
- Mythago Wood - Robert Holdstock [Amazon]
- No Exit (Sen eliro) - Jean Paul Sartre - Hell is other people.
- Not Guilty: The Case in Defense of Men - David Thomas
- The Ocean in the Sand - Mark Holborn [Amazon] Japan: from landscape to garden
- The Old Straight Track - Alfred Watkins [Amazon]
- On the Beach (Sur la bordo) - Nevil Shute
- The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas - Ursula K. Le Guin [Amazon] The place they go towards is a place even less imaginable to most of us than the city of happiness. I cannot describe it at all. It is possible that it does not exist. But they seem to know where they are going, the ones who walk away from Omelas.
- Orphans of the Sky - Robert A. Heinlein
- Paŝoj al plena posedo - William Auld [EUSA]
- The Razor's Edge - W. Somerset Maugham [Amazon]
- Replay - Ken Grimwood [Amazon]
- Roadmarks - Roger Zelazny [Review] [Amazon] another blue pickup truck!
- Satori in Paris - Jack Kerouac - I stomp away and take out my Swiss Army knife with the cross on it, because I suspect I'm being followed by French muggers and thugs. I cut my own finger and bleed all over the place.
- Scattered Poems - Jack Kerouac
- Sen eliro (No Exit) - Jean Paul Sartre
- The Starship and the Canoe - Kenneth Brower - "It's beautiful," she agreed, "but how will he find five people who want to go in the same direction?"
- Steppenwolf - Hermann Hesse
- Stonehenge Decoded - Gerald S. Hawkins [Amazon]
- The Stranger - Albert Camus
- Sur la bordo (On the Beach) - Nevil Shute [EUSA]
- Tao: The Watercourse Way - Alan Watts
- The Tao of Pooh - Benjamin Hoff
- Taoist Tales - Edited by Raymond van Over
- The Teachings of Don Juan : A Yaqui Way of Knowledge - Carlos Castaneda - Many books followed this one but I think that this was the best of them all, and sufficient. I particularly enjoyed the writer's quest for his sitio, his good spot.
- Things That Make Us Smart - Donald A. Norman [Amazon]
- Time Wars - Jeremy Rifkin [Amazon]
- Transe - Lorjak [EUSA] A book about a man in Paris and a woman in San Francisco. Her daily life is his dream every night, and his hers. When she falls asleep, he wakes up, and vice versa. They grow up thinking that everyone lives and dreams two lives like this, but finally realize that something unusual is going on, and that the other is... real?
- Traps - Friedrich Dürrenmatt
- Truck - John Jerome [Amazon] Kind of like a Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance without the verbosity.
- The Victorian Internet - Tom Standage [Amazon]
- The War Against Boys: How Misguided Feminism Is Harming Our Young Men - Christina Hoff Sommers [Amazon]
- Why Men Are The Way They Are - Warren Farrell [Amazon]
- A Wild Sheep Chase - Haruki Murakami
- Winnie la Pu (Winnie the Pooh) - A.A. Milne [EUSA]
- Winnie the Pooh (Winnie la Pu) - A.A. Milne
- The Wisdom of Laotse - Lin Yutang [Amazon]
- The Wolf (Der Wolf) - Hermann Hesse [local]
- Women Can't Hear What Men Don't Say - Warren Farrell [Amazon]
- You Just Don't Understand: Women and Men in Conversation - Deborah Tannen
- Wordcraft - Stephen Pollington [Amazon] Okay, it's a dictionary (thematic wordlists too!), so maybe I should say it's havinda instead of leginda. But it should be in your library! A second edition appeared in Spring 2010.
- Zen Flesh, Zen Bones - Compiled by Paul Reps [Amazon]
De Ailanto kompilita, 26 Aŭgusto 2021 modifita.