![]() The Blue Flower The Blue Flower The Blue Flower The Land of the Blue Flower Bluefield, Virginia - ĉe Wikipedia Myosotis - Forget-me-not |
At a little distance, hazy blue cliffs rose with gleaming veins of gold
shining through their sides. All around him was a soft mellow light,
and the sky above was blue and cloudless. What most attracted him was
a lovely blue flower growing at the edge of the well. Its large glossy
green leaves overshadowed him. The air was perfumed by the fragrance
of flowers of every colour, but he cared for none of them but the blue
flower, at which he gazed in tender adoration. As he stood to examine it
more closely, it seemed to move and change, the glossy leaves bent down
at the stalk and the blossom lent towards him, the petals slowly opened
and he saw a lovely, tender face...
- Heinrich von Ofterdingen, by Novalis
cikorio - Herbo de la specio Cichorium intybus. El cikorio
oni povas fari anstataŭaĵon de kafo. Angle: chicory, succory;
Germane: die Zichorie. Another German word is Wegwart, or Wegewart. I
haven't yet figured out its etymology, but poems at
Gedichte zur Wegwarte
play on the meanings of Wegwart (chicory), der Weg (way, path, walk),
warten (to wait), and die Warte (vantage point, point of view)...
Ich warte auf ihn am Wege, warte am Wege, Wegewart!
2 Oktobro 1998 de Ailanto kreita, 28 Marto 2018 modifita.
Ailanto... Cikorio... miaj plantoj plejŝatataj... herbaĉoj...