a free megawad created by John Romero for the original DOOM,
will be released in mid-February of 2019.
DOOM Source Ports
The only one I've tried so far is Skulltag. Works well. Some notes...
- DOOM2 Client - Console command examples for jumping to a level: map map06 or map map14. Appears to drop you out of multiplayer mode.
- DOOM2 Server - To start at another level, before anybody joins: Admin > Change map... and enter a name like map06 or map14.
- To start as server: skulltag -host [ -private ] [ -file path/file.wad ] [ @inifile.rsp ]
- To start as client: skulltag [ -file path/file.wad ]
- queryiwad - Need to check this out.
Some of my own creations
I used WADED 1.83 to create the following DOOM2 wads. They are all original and
designed for deathmatch. Some coworkers and I used to play Doom cooperatively
every day during lunch. One joker started shooting at the rest of us one day
and we quickly realized that shooting at each other was more fun than shooting
at monsters.
So naturally when I got hooked on wad development, I built my wads with
deathmatch in mind. But some of these are large enough to be enjoyed by a
single player or cooperative group. The exits are usually easy to find since
finding the exit was not an important goal. If you want to add to them, please
do! Just be sure to give me some credit and send me a copy or tell me where
I can get one - I'd love to try one of these with some unknowns thrown in.
La Unua
Final version of my very first level.
This one began as a simple square playing field, with an entry point at each corner.
It got bigger.
The sewers have always been good to me.
- Ed Norton
Slimefalls, and places to fall.
Under Construction
Under Construction
New words arise...
- cupping
At a previous job during the early days of Doom II, there were
enough of us hooked on deathmatch to insure that a game was
running every lunchtime, even when some of us were out of the
office for one reason or another. If a player left the game
momentarily, a trip to the men's room for example, the player
sitting nearest his desk would bang the spacebar for him every
time he died. Soon we found a solution which made life simpler
and scores even higher: Rest his coffecup upon the spacebar
and a manual of appropriate height placed before the keyboard,
so that he'd come back to life immediately after death. Thus was
cupping born.
My son Matthew invented this word when he spotted his sister
playing Doom one evening. We had discussed some German words
that morning, including Dummkopf. He seemed as surprised and
amused upon hearing it as were the rest of us. I suspect that he
called her a Dummkopf because she was using the computer when he
wanted it, only afterward realizing what she was playing and how
appropriate the word, with only a slight change in spelling!
Yep, there are fewer links here than before. They're breaking, one
by one. Sad. Doom's a classic, the first and the best of its kind, and
one of only two games that ever obsessed me. (The other was Tetris.)
20 Julio 1996 de Ailanto verkita, 16 Decembro 2018 modifita.