Glosa Words Needed! (obsolete page)
I worked on development of the Glosa dictionaries from 1997
through 2000 but no longer maintain them. I've kept my stuff here
for historical and reference purposes. The latest and greatest
dictionaries, currently maintained by Marcel Springer, can be found
at the
Glosa Website.
See my
Glosa Page for Glosa info and links.
. . . . . . . . .
Update, 26 January 1999 - We've completed this phase of the dictionary
analysis, based upon the criteria below. Please let me know if you think of
any other words that should be in the dictionary.
- William Patterson
[The list which was once here was]... the list of English words for which
Glosa has no word. According to my computer, anyway. I wrote a script to read
Bartlett's Artificial Languages Base Vocabulary and print out any words
that it could not find in my Glosa Source File. Now comes the task of
examining these words one by one to resolve these omissions.
Glosa may actually have a corresponding word even if a word is found in this
list. Several possibilities that come to mind:
A typo in either of the source files.
Glosa doesn't need separate entries for plurals.
Glosa uses a generic to form the word. I most commonly see this in words
that refer to gender. For example, son and daughter were missing.
But FILI (offspring) was in there, and one combines the appropriate
generic with that to obtain AN-FILI and FE-FILI. Similary for
hen and rooster, giving AN-GALINA and FE-GALINA.
English has a separate word for things which are formed by compounds in Glosa.
Twelve, for example.
American and British variants in either file - like check and
cheque and tire and tyre. (Even though I'm American,
I prefer the British spelling for some words, because it is sometimes more
restrictive than the American word, and can be used to distinguish between
English homonyms in the source files!)
And then there are words like backward and backwards. My
source file was using one, while the Basic Vocabulary used the other.
Many of the words in this list will probably disappear once the English
synonyms are resolved.
My program has a bug. Naw, couldn't be that. Uhhhh....
1998-03-25 gene krea, 1999-01-26 gene muta.