- ag - field
- agfru - orchard, ag-fru
- agu - garden, ag-u
- ague - park, ag-u-e
- ap - open
- apl - door, ap-l
- apm - gate, ap-m
- apo - close, shut, ap-o
- app - opening, ap-p
- az - [al oz] - always, ever
- aze - eternity, perpetual, forever, az-e
- azo - never, az-o
- be - before(time)
- bemi - forenoon, morning, be-mi
- bel - beauty,beautiful
- bele - gourgeous, bel-e
- belo - ugly, bel-o
- belt - pretty, bel-t
- belu - grace, graceful, bel-u
- bi - life, live
- bie - lively, bi-e
- bik - vital, bi-k
- bim - creature (animal), bi-m
- bir - creature (person), bi-r
- biv - exist, bi-v
- bix - die, dead, death, bi-x
- bixy - kill, bi-x-y
- bixya - murder, bi-x-y-a
- bib - drink
- ble - corn, grain
- bo - tree
- boc - wood, bo-c
- boce - forest, bo-c-e
- bonor - pine, bo-nor
- bos - wood, bo-s
- bose - timber, bo-s-e
- bosi - board, bo-s-i
- bosmel - maple, bo-s-mel
- bot - plant, bo-t
- bota - weed, bo-t-a
- bov - branch, bo-v
- cav - hollow
- cava - grave, cav-a
- cavi - hole, cav-i
- de - day
- des - desire, want, wish
- eng - narrow
- engo - broad, wide, eng-o
- er - person
- erc - company, er-c
- ereu - party, er-e-u
- eri - one, you, they, er-i
- erz - people, er-z
- erzu - folk, er-z-u
- fa - act, commit, deed, do, make
- fas - easy, facile
- faso - difficult, fas-o
- fasoa - hardship, fas-o-a
- fid - faithful, loyal
- fon - origin, source
- fonk - original, fon-k
- fonr - author, originator, fon-r
- fonre - resource, fon-re
- fons - derive, fon-s
- fonsal - spring(water), fon-sal
- fonu - principle, fon-u
- fonug - theory, fon-u-g
- fony - create, invent, fon-y
- for - form, shape
- fore - figure, for-e
- fori - formal, for-i
- foru - handsome, for-u
- gu - good
- gut - nice, gu-t
- guv - kind, gu-v
- gux - bad, gu-x
- guxa - evil, gu-x-a
- guxe - awful, gu-x-e
- guxt - naughty, gu-x-t
- he - heat, hot
- het - warm, he-t
- hex - cold, he-x
- ho - high, tall
- hol - hill, ho-l
- hole - mountain, hol-e
- hox - low, ho-x
- hi - conceal, hide
- hie - mystery, hi-e
- hil - secret, hi-l
- hix - disclose, reveal, hi-x
- im - idea, imagine, suppose
- imi - fiction, im-i
- iml - dream, im-l
- imo - actual, fact, indeed, real, im-o
- io - there - short form of iro
- ir - here
- je - each, every, per
- jecen - percent, je-cen
- jel - both, je-l
- jep - everywhere, je-p
- kos - world
- kose - universe, kos-e
- koso - sky, kos-o
- ky - eat
- lat - side
- lati - aside, beside, lat-i
- latl - wall, lat-l
- li - liquid
- libi - blood, li-bi
- lic - pool, li-c
- lie - liquor, li-e
- lif - melt, li-f
- linur - soup, li-nur
- liog - tear, tears, li-og
- lo - length, long
- lov - along, lo-v
- lox - brief, short, lo-x
- lu - month
- lum - illuminate, light
- lumfat - candle, lum-fat
- lumi - light, fair, lum-i
- lumix - dark, lum-i-x
- lumo - darkness, lum-o
- lumof - blackout, lum-o-f
- lumot - gloom, lum-o-t
- lums - shade, shadow, lum-s
- m - with
- mo - without, m-o
- mokren - undoubtedly, m-o-kre-n
- moq - unquestionably, m-o-q
- nam - call, name
- name - title, nam-e
- nami - nominate, nam-i
- nor - north
- or - or
- ore - either, or-e
- ori - else, otherwise, or-i
- orip - elsewhere, or-i-p
- orr - "he or she", or-r
- ost - east
- ot - other
- oti - alter, change, ot-i
- otidos - alternate, ot-i-dos
- otikon - adapt, ot-i-kon
- otit - modify, ot-i-t
- ov - above, over
- ovo - below, underneath, under, ov-o
- ovu - superior, ov-u
- ovux - inferior, ov-u-x
- pel - clear, plain
- pelg - glass, pel-g
- pelgu - window, pelg-u
- po - after, afterwards
- ry - building, establishment
- ryble - barn, ry-ble
- ryg - house, ry-g
- sa - know, knowledge
- sade - well-known, sa-d-e
- sado - unknown, sa-d-o
- sady - acquaint, introduce, sa-d-y
- sae - familiar, sa-e
- sai - intuition, sa-i
- sav - understand, sa-v
- sava - misunderstand, sa-v-a
- sax - ignorance, sa-x
- ser - seek
- sera - hunt, ser-a
- sere - research, ser-e
- seri - search, ser-i
- sero - avoid, ser-o
- ue - being
- up - up
- via - road, route, way
- viae - highway, via-e
- vial - street, via-l
- viamet - railway, railroad, via-met
- viat - path, via-t
- viatru - corridor, via-tru
- viau - avenue, via-u
- vok - cry, voice
- voke - shout, yell, vok-e
- vokea - howl, vok-e-a
- vokeu - cheer, vok-e-u
- voki - call, vok-i
- vokie - hail, vok-i-e
- vokk - vocal, vok-k
- wo - wool
- wy - white
- wyg - snow, wy-g
- wyine - grey, wy-in-e
- wyv - pale, wy-v
- wyx - black, wy-x
- zo - animal
- zoa - brute, zo-a
- zofa - wolf, zo-fid-a
- zofid - dog, zo-fid
- zofida - wolf, zo-fid-a
- zowo - sheep, zo-wo
- zowov - mutton, zo-wo-v