Capacitor Jokes
A farad is 1 coulomb/volt, the mks unit of capacitance.
A freshman goes into Radio Shack and asks for a capacitor.
"Will that be cash?" asks the clerk.
"Nah, charge it." says the freshman.
A duck goes into Radio Shack and asks for a capacitor.
"Will that be cash?" asks the clerk.
"Nah, put it on my bill." says the duck.
A duck goes into Radio Shack and asks for a capacitor.
"Will that be cash?" asks the clerk.
"Nah, charge it." says the duck.
A duck goes into Radio Shack and asks for a capacitor.
"Charge it?" asks the clerk.
"Nah, put it on my bill." says the duck.
A freshman goes into Radio Shack and asks for a capacitor.
"Charge it?" asks the clerk.
"Nah, put it on my bill." says the freshman.
A neutron goes into Radio Shack and asks for a capacitor.
"How much?" asks the neutron.
"For you, no charge." says the clerk.
A duck goes into a drugstore and asks for a Chapstick.
"Will that be cash?" asks the clerk.
"Nah, put it on my bill." says the duck.
Kommt einer Hahn in den Elektroladen und sagt:
"Ich hätte gerne eine Legebatterie."
9 Februaro 1997 de Ailanto kreita, 27 Novembro 2002 modifita.