Learning Materials for Glosa

Using the following, you can try the language for yourself.

More information is available, at this site, through FTP

  1. Download a Glosa spelling-checker, GLOSPELL.EXE, by Paul O. Bartlett
    This is a self-unravelling file that allows you to use an ASCII word- processor while checking that you have spelt Glosa words correctly

  2. Download a full version of the 1000-word list classified into categories, GLS-1000.CLS

      Hard-copy learning materials are supplied by the authors

      • Glosa 1000 Dictionary - starter dictionary
      • Glosa 6000 Dictionary - more satisfying for the stylist
      • 18 Steps to Learning Euro-Glosa - graded instruction
      • Plu Glosa Nota (periodical) - bi-monthly magazine, by subscription

      URL http://www.zeta.org.au/~rgaskell

      Robin F. Gaskell Tel. 61-2-9726 0952
      PO Box 21, Cabramatta NSW 2166, Australia
      Email: rgaskell@zeta.org.au

      Investigate and possibly Subscribe to the Glosalist Mailing List

      The Glosa Educational Organisation is a Registered Charity in the UK

      R Clark & W Ashby, GEO
      PO Box 18, Richmond, Surry TW9 2AU, Great Britain
      Email: glosauk@cix.compulink.co.uk

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